Book, 2021-2022, 3 Mythen

Project: 3 Mythen, a book with compositions of Gabriele Paulsen and artwork of Annette Paulsen. Handmade and hand printed linocuts, as well as screen prints, combined in an unusual, functional and beautiful book object.

“Gabriele and I often work on the same topics. We experience each other's work as important inspiration. For some time now my printed artwork has been shaped by the subject of water. Gabriele's music is also created around this theme and its associated myths. So, it was obvious for us to create a project in which we can accommodate both perspectives. This book combines musical compositions and printmaking in one tactile object. The visual form gives the sheet music a "tangible jacket". The book object preserves the live moment and thus extends the time frame in which the music experience remains visible and perceptible to the audience.”

The book was presented in Oktober 2022 in Factorium (Tilburg, The Netherlands). In 2024 the book was selected among the 50 most beautiful books of the Netherlands and Belgium and is part of the exhibition Mooi Marginaal 9. Find more information here: Mooi Marginaal / 3 Mythen

Interested to buy the book? There are some copies left. Please contact me.

This project was made possible by a contribution of the Makersfond Tilburg